According to a survey conducted by Japanese real estate website SUUMO, these are the neighbourhoods foreigners want to live in:
1. Shinjuku
2. Shibuya
3. Akihabara
4. Shinagawa
5. Roppongi
6. Asakusa.
However, according to Tokyo Metropolitan Government's 2019 data the top wards with the most foreigner population are as follows:
Shinjuku Ward
Edogawa Ward
Adachi Ward
Toshima Ward
Koto Ward
Popular places also change depending on the nationality for example for Europeans and North Americans the most popular places to live in are Minato Ward and Setagaya Ward. Nowadays many foreigners who work in Tokyo prefers to live in Surrounding Cities and wards like Chiba, Kanagawa and Saitama or Western suburbs of Tokyo. Where do you think is the best place to live for foreigners who work or study in Tokyo?
In my opinion Koto it’s best place to live