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The difference between Apato and Mansion

Writer: FIRST STEP Co,. Ltd.FIRST STEP Co,. Ltd.

In Japan both Mansion (マンション) and Apato (アパート) is used for apartment buildings where multiple households live. However they are two different style of buildings and can be easily distinguished in most cases.

Apato -Apato are usually 2-3 storey buildings. -They are most commonly built with lightweight material like wood and steel plate.

-They tent to have less amenities and common space compared to Mansion.

-They are mostly for rental and they tent to have an image of affordability. However new, designer style apatos are also available.

-Since they are constructed with wood and steel plates they may have less sound and heat insulation.

Mansion -They are usually higher buildings built with RC or SRC.

-They usually have common space for post and delivery boxes, garbage disposal, parking. Having an autolock main entrance and security cameras are also common. -They may be both for rental and for ownership.

-Mansions are generally perceived as more upscale or higher-end compared to apartments.

-Since they are concrete they have a better sound and heat insulation. Even though residence of Mansions pay higher maintenance fees as a result of having more amenities in common areas, they may save in electricity and heating costs.

Legally there is no clear distinction between Mansion and Apato and there are many overlaps. A 2 story condominium that is made with reinforced concrete can be either called an Apato or a mansion. Real estate specialist tent to name these buildings based on their appearance and facilities. Keskin



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